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Bible Reading at church

Here are a few pointers to help you serve the church by reading the Bible on Sunday.

  1. Make sure you've had a chance to practice reading the passage a few times out loud before Sunday.
  2. Please use the NIV version when reading (the same as our church bibles)
  3. Touch base with the service leader when you arrive so they know you are there, and arrive in time for the Pre-Service huddle at the sound desk at 9:55am for City Church and 5:55pm for Night Church.
  4. At City Church the Service Leader will give you a hand held microphone for the Bible reading. This need to be held quite close to your mouth, like your eating an ice cream! At Night Church we use the lecturn microphone. This needs to be pointing at the middle of your face and not too close to your mouth.
  5. Introduce yourself and announce the passage that is going to be read. Announce the page number in the church Bibles as well.
  6. Check with the Service leader if you or they will pray before you read. If you’re praying - ask God that we might hear his word and be changed by what we hear. You might want to use a prayer like these:
    • "Thank you Father for making yourself known to us, showing us the way of salvation through faith in your Son. We ask you now to teach us through your word, so that we may be ready to serve you, for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen."
    • "Heavenly Father, give us faith to receive your word, understanding to know what it means, and the will to put it into practice; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
    • "We thank you heavenly Father, for inspiring all Scripture by the Holy Spirit. Help us by your Spirit so to hear your holy word that we may be equipped for every good work, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
  7. Wait for a few moments for people to find the passage. Relax!
  8. Read!

If you want to do a deeper dive into the important of Public Bible Reading and how to do it as well as possible, this video is an excellent resource.


Here is just a few pointers for when you find yourself rostered onto welcoming.

  1. Arrive at 9:40am for Morning Church and 5:40pm for Night Church.
  2. Find the news sheets (Morning Church - make sure they are folded if they haven't been done already.)
  3. Morning Church - Put witches hats across the driveway. This is a safety thing for the children.
  4. Make sure signs and flags have been put out. 
  5. In the Morning - Stand at the outer glass doors (where you can be seen from the street).
  6. In the Night - Stand in the entry to the BGI (where you can be seen from the street).
  7. Warmly greet people as they arrive and hand out the new sheets.
  8. If they are new, try and introduce them to someone or let them know they can grab a drink before the service. (Morning Church - If they are new and have kids, try and introduce them to one of the Sunday School Leaders - Look for the people in the red shirts.)
  9. Let new people know that church will begin at about 10:10 for Morning Church and 6:10 for Night Church.
  10. Keep at your post near the door until after the welcome and first two songs.
  11. During the last song collect the communication cards and give them to Andrew or the Service Leader.
  12. After church try and say 'Hello' to anyone who was new that you met at the door.

Set up & Pack up Roster

Here are the things that need to be done on the set up and pack up roster:



  1. Arrive at 8:30am
  2. Help get all the gear required out of the cupboards/van.
  3. Begin by helping set up the music hardware (Music stands, mic stands, speaker stands, speakers, the table, projector, laptop). Feel free to leave the more technical stuff to others if you are not sure what to do - but you are more than welcome to learn if you want to!
  4. Once sound gear is done and before you do anything else, setup the coffee machine, fill with water and turn on. This is important because it takes a long time to warm up. If you are unsure of what to do, ask Kelvin, Andrew or Mat Black.
  5. Put out pew Bibles. 
  6. Put a pens.
  7. Rope off side pews and the last three rows.
  8. Put out books and spare Bibles on the entry table.
  9. Put out flag and sandwich board down on the street.
  10. Tidy up sound setup boxes and place them out of sight.

Pack up

  1. Resist the urge to pack up too early. (When pack up begins people can feel like they need to leave).
  2. Pack away books, Bibles, pens.
  3. Help pack things back into the store room.
  4. Bring in flag and sandwich board from down on the street.
  5. Give the foyer a quick sweep if needed.



  1. Arrive at 4:30pm
  2. Help get all the gear required out of the van.
  3. Begin by moving the furniture out of the way so that the band / sound can be setup. 
  4. Helping set up the music hardware (Music stands, mic stands, speaker stands, speakers, the table, projector, laptop). Feel free to leave the more technical stuff to others if you are not sure what to do - but you are more than welcome to learn if you want to!
  5. Once sound gear is done set up chairs.
  6. Put a Bible, Comment Card and pen on every chair.
  7. Put out books and spare Bibles on the entry table.
  8. Put out flag and sandwich board down on the street.
  9. Tidy up sound setup boxes and place them out of sight.

Pack up

  1. Resist the urge to pack up too early. (When pack up begins people can feel like they need to leave).
  2. Pack away books, Bibles, pens.
  3. Help pack away sound gear.
  4. Help pack thing into the van.
  5. Bring in flag and sandwich board from down on the street.

Serving Morning Tea & Coffee

If you are rostered on for Morning Tea Food:

  1. Arrive at church at 9:40.
  2. Use the church supplied morning tea (in the pantry in the kitchen) or supplement this with something of your own choosing. 
  3. Set up a table to place the food on (if one isn't already set up).
  4. After church make sure the food is placed out on the table.
  5. When it is time to pack up (about 12) clean away the food, wipe down the table and pack it away.


If you are rostered on for Coffee Making:

  1. Arrive at church at 9:40 (the coffee machine should already be on and warmed up).
  2. Put a bin out with a liner in it.
  3. Make sure that the area is 'safe'. Please make sure kettles, knives and other hazardous items are out of the reach of children. 
  4. Begin serving tea and coffee until 10:10am.
  5. Serve tea and coffee after church until people have had enough.
  6. Clean up and pack down the coffee machine including wiping down the trolleys and returning them to the kitchen.
  7. If you are unable to move the coffee machine (it is very heavy) just ask someone else to help you.