If you are rostered on for Morning Tea Food:

  1. Arrive at church at 9:40.
  2. Use the church supplied morning tea (in the pantry in the kitchen) or supplement this with something of your own choosing. 
  3. Set up a table to place the food on (if one isn't already set up).
  4. After church make sure the food is placed out on the table.
  5. When it is time to pack up (about 12) clean away the food, wipe down the table and pack it away.


If you are rostered on for Coffee Making:

  1. Arrive at church at 9:40 (the coffee machine should already be on and warmed up).
  2. Put a bin out with a liner in it.
  3. Make sure that the area is 'safe'. Please make sure kettles, knives and other hazardous items are out of the reach of children. 
  4. Begin serving tea and coffee until 10:10am.
  5. Serve tea and coffee after church until people have had enough.
  6. Clean up and pack down the coffee machine including wiping down the trolleys and returning them to the kitchen.
  7. If you are unable to move the coffee machine (it is very heavy) just ask someone else to help you.